
Venus Guide A004 : Apache FreeMarker Hello World


Abstract :
Simple guide to a use Venus XML Doc Format together with Apache FreeMarker

Author : Matteo Franci a.k.a. Fugerit (fugerit79)

Version : 001 (2023-10-14)

Quickstart :
Run the junit : src/test/java/test/org/fugerit/java/doc/guides/helloworld/fm/facade/

Guide :

1. pom setup

For dependency handling we set the parent pom to fj-doc


Minimum java 11 version (most modules works with java 8 too)


And the module for rendering PDF through FOP (It will all other modules as transient dependencies)


2. Create the ApacheFreemarker template

This will be the template hello-world.ftl

<#ftl output_format="XML"><#-- Set the output format for XML, not mandatory but reccomended, otherwise escaping should be handled in a cusomt way, for example through CDATA sections -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation="" > 

  	This is a Venus Fugerit Doc ( XML Source Document.
  	For documentation on how to write a valid Venus Doc XML Meta Model refer to :

	<!-- Margin for document : left;right;top;bottom -->
	<info name="margins">10;10;10;30</info>  
	<!-- documenta meta information -->
	<info name="doc-title">${docTitle}</info>
	<info name="doc-author">fugerit79</info>
	<info name="doc-language">en</info>
	<h head-level="1" id="top" size="16">${docTitle}</h>


It will generate a XML document which adheres to doc xsd

3. Create the java cod for document generation

This is a simple facade HelloWorldFreeMarkerFacade which will just :

public class HelloWorldFreeMarkerFacade {

	// in the simple config, there is a default method mapping any chainId to a template with the path ${chainId}.ftl
	private static final FreemarkerDocProcessConfig SIMPLE_CONFIG = 
			// SafeFunction.get() will execute the configuration code and re-throw a ConfigRuntimeException if any exception is thrown
			SafeFunction.get( () -> FreemarkerDocProcessConfigFacade.newSimpleConfig( "A004-sample-config" , "/fj-freemarker-sample-template/" ) );
	private static final String CHAIN_ID = "hello-world";	// it will map to /fj-freemarker-sample-template/hello-world.ftl
	public void generateDocument( OutputStream os, DocTypeHandler handler, String docTitle ) throws DocException {
		// wraps any exception as a DocException
		DocException.apply( () -> {
			DocProcessContext context = DocProcessContext.newContext( "docTitle", docTitle );
			SIMPLE_CONFIG.fullProcess( CHAIN_ID, context, handler, DocOutput.newOutput(os) );
		} );

4. Sample Junit to activate the code

This is a simple JUnit to activate the code TestHelloWorldFreeMarkerFacade , it will :

	public void testGenerateDocument() throws IOException, DocException {
		DocTypeHandler handler = PdfFopTypeHandler.HANDLER;	// the handler for desired output, in this case PDF
		String docTitle = "Hello World with Apache FreeMarker Template!";
		File outputFile = new File(  "target", "hello-world."+handler.getType() ); // output file "outputFile : {}", outputFile );
		try ( OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( outputFile ) ) {
			HelloWorldFreeMarkerFacade facade = new HelloWorldFreeMarkerFacade(); // the facade to generate the document
			facade.generateDocument(os, handler, docTitle); // actual document generation "Generated full documenti pdf file in path : {}", outputFile.getCanonicalPath() );
			Assert.assertTrue( outputFile.exists() );

If everything worked fine, in the path target/hello-world.pdf it will be possible to find the generated document.

If you find any problem, you can submit an issue on the on this project github repository