
Venus Guidelines : Doc Format and Apache FreeMarker guidelines

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Version : 1 (2023-10-14)


This page contains guidelines for using the Venus DOC XML format with Apache FreeMarker.

Some examples are available, for instance :

The step for generating documents with Fugerit Venus Doc Format and Apache FreeMarker are :

Usage sample

1 - create a FreemarkerDocProcessConfig configuration

For instance the most simple configuration is :

	// in the simple config, there is a default method mapping any chainId to a template with the path ${chainId}.ftl (and will map all doc context attributes to FreeMarker)
	private static final FreemarkerDocProcessConfig SIMPLE_CONFIG = 
			// SafeFunction.get() will execute the configuration code and re-throw a ConfigRuntimeException if any exception is thrown
			SafeFunction.get( () -> FreemarkerDocProcessConfigFacade.newSimpleConfig( "A004-sample-config" , "/fj-freemarker-sample-template/" ) );
	private static final String CHAIN_ID = "hello-world";	// it will map to /fj-freemarker-sample-template/hello-world.ftl

2 - create a Apache FreeMarker template

For instance the most simple configuration is could be a file in /fj-freemarker-sample-template/hello-world.ftl

<#ftl output_format="XML"><#-- Set the output format for XML, not mandatory but reccomended, otherwise escaping should be handled in a cusomt way, for example through CDATA sections -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xsi:schemaLocation="" > 

  	This is a Venus Fugerit Doc ( XML Source Document.
  	For documentation on how to write a valid Venus Doc XML Meta Model refer to :

	<!-- Margin for document : left;right;top;bottom -->
	<info name="margins">10;10;10;30</info>  
	<!-- documenta meta information -->
	<info name="doc-title">${docTitle}</info>
	<info name="doc-author">fugerit79</info>
	<info name="doc-language">en</info>
	<h head-level="1" id="top" size="16">${docTitle}</h>


Notes :

3 - generate the document with a type handler

	DocTypeHandler handler = PdfFopTypeHandler.HANDLER;	// the handler for desired output, in this case PDF
	String docTitle = "Hello World with Apache FreeMarker Template!";
	File outputFile = new File(  "target", "full-document."+handler.getType() ); // output file "outputFile : {}", outputFile );
	try ( OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream( outputFile ) ) {
		DocProcessContext context = DocProcessContext.newContext( "docTitle", docTitle );
		SIMPLE_CONFIG.fullProcess( CHAIN_ID, context, handler, DocOutput.newOutput(os) );

Notes :

Best practices on Apache FreeMarker usage with Venus DOC Format

1 - Escaping XML

As noted above, when using Apache FreeMarker to render Venus DOC Format XML, xml characters should be escaped.

The recommended way to do so is through the FreeMarker directive : <#ftl output_format="XML">
For auto escape behavior see Auto-escaping and output formats

Albeit not recommended, it is possible to use a CDATA section : <![CDATA[${docTitle}]]>

Or a custom macro : <@escapeXml text=docTitle/>

2 - Add functions for more customized code

If the normal features (build in, macros) in FreeMarker are not enough, it is possible to add custom functions to your template.

Look for instance at Fugerit Venus ImageBase64CLFun