Guides to Venus - Fugerit Document Generation Framework (fj-doc)
Deprecation notice start
This guide has been deprecated and will not be maintained, now you can refer to the new official guide
(built it in the main Fugerit Venus Doc repository) :
Deprecation reasons :
- Most examples and guides are still working they are more complex than required by new version of Fugerit Venus Doc.
- The new guide is organized in more coherent way
- The new guide rely on AsciiDoc for formatting, which is more powerful than MaroDown
Deprecation notice end
Archive notice start
As of 2024-10-25, this repository is archived as a consequence of deprecation
Archive notice end
This projects provides simple guides to Venus - Fugerit Document Generation Framework (fj-doc) project.
A new Wizard section is available, guiding you through some common scenarios.
General topics
Core functionalities practical guides